Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Bigot Witch of Southwest calls on Moose Mess

Well since Gov. Jan Brewer has ruined the already ruined Arizona. The backlash is kicking her ass. Now, she needs help and guess who she calls... Moose Mess

Jan Brewer and Palin blamed President Barack Obama for the state law, saying the measure is Arizona's attempt to enforce immigration laws because the federal government won't do it.

"It's time for Americans across this great country to stand up and say, 'We're all Arizonans now,'" Palin said. "And in clear unison we say, 'Mr. President: Do your job. Secure our border.'"



  1. Two of the dumbest people EVER!
    Lawdy lawdy lawdy!

  2. Good grief! When you think it can't get worse .... !!!

  3. It's the dits duo! Two empty-headed, bigoted bitches that has more to gain by oppressing others.
