Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Neverending Journey to NYC

"Wow" is all I can say about getting NYC.

Here's the rundown:
  • Our flight was on Friday at 11:24pm, however, we tried to be nice and volunteer for a later flight (we also got a free night at the hotel, free plane and meal tickets)
  • We left L.A. at 7am, but that's when the magic happened.
  • Our flight couldn't land at JFK due to the crazy winds and the rain, so we headed to Albany, NY. It was 5:30pm at this point.
  • At 7pm, we reloaded the plane and headed to JFK.
  • It was suppose to be a 30 minute flight, but it turned out to be a 3 hour flight!
  • We couldn't land so we were just circling around. However, they gave us free movies to watch. But I thought they should've gave us free liquor and wifi.
  • At this point, I was beyond sane, so I chose to watch Twilight: New Moon (Taylor will be cute at 26). Hey, don't judge! It was free and I was delirious.
  • We had to land in Newark, NJ because JFK was still being pu**ies.
  • But the wind and rain screwed up the airtrak so we were offered a bus to JFK to pick up our luggage.
  • As all of us rushed to the bus, it was announced that the bus won't be in Newark until 1am.
  • Lucky for us, the airlines gave us cab vouchers to go JFK, but the funny part was waiting in the rain for one cab every 10 minutes.
  • Finally, we got a cab, but it took an hour to get to JFK and another 40 minutes to get our luggage.
  • One more cab ride to Broadway and we are finally, finally here.
I need a three piece and biscuit with a Cosmopolitan to drink.


  1. Damn. A whole lot of ups and downs, but the most important thing is U made it safe

  2. Sorry about your troubles. But hold on... How did your luggage end up at JFK when you ended up at Newark? Did you fly on separate planes?

  3. Now, that's a travel nightmare story that tops any I could tell!!!

    Sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice!

  4. So, you took the Murphy's Law flight?

  5. Naw, sounds like you need a three-piece, a biscuit, and vodka & cranberry (since it's more potent).
