Monday, March 8, 2010

Interesting Quote: Roseanne Barr

''Michael's friends and family say he was not gay. If that is true, then I owe a huge apology to the Osmond family and to Marie Osmond for the words I wrote here. I read several published sources before I said anything, but--I did not know him, and I don't know his family either. I just reacted and said what I said because I have known so many gay mormon kids who committed suicide, as well as non mormon gay kids too. I am terribly ashamed of myself this time for shooting off my big mouth, and offending or hurting people who already were hurting. I don't expect anyone to forgive me, but I am so sorry for being wrong and insensitive.''

Good Roseanne, because this is what she said before .



  1. Her target might have been wrong, but the sentiments stand true. Good for her!

  2. Interesting. When I read her first quote I was shocked. My first thought was, "How does she know he was gay?"

  3. well that is too funny. I posted about her spotting off and you post the appoligy letter. hehe

  4. Sometimes you should just take a minute before you speak.
    I mean, Marie Osmond must have been devastated by her son's death, and then to have Barr attack with no reason behind her attacks except for what she "heard".
    Gay people do commit suicide, but not all suicides are gay people. Mormons commit suicide but not all Mormon suicides are gay suicides.
