Saturday, March 6, 2010

Great Hera! Doctor Who will be more like Twilight?

I'm dying as we speak, y'all!

Doctor Who's executive producers: Piers Wenger, Steven Moffat and Beth Willis reveals what the new season will be based on:

"We just wanted to make the show look as up-to-date as it possibly could," Wenger explained. "One of the qualities in Steven's writing, and one of Steven's natural tendencies as a writer, is to write these strange, dark, glittering fairy tales.

"We wanted to give the look of the series a slightly more storybook, fairy-tale feel - within reason."

He added: "It wasn't about suddenly becoming Tim Burton, but it was finding a pinch of that, a pinch of Twilight, a pinch of Harry Potter - but it's still absolutely, slap-bang, mainstream Doctor Who.

Twilight... a pinch? How about no pinch of sparkling vamps in my Tardis!!

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