Wednesday, March 10, 2010

ENDA will Destroy you Kids!

Lordy Lord!

This foolish group, Traditional Values Coalition is trying to scare folks about ENDA.

Please take a look:

Children need a stable and secure environment in which to learn. ENDA threatens that.

If ENDA becomes law, she-male activists and cross-dressing teachers will hold your child hostage in the classroom. It’s that simple. Not all states have laws protecting “gender identity” but if ENDA passes, every state, local government and business with 15 or more employees will be forced to employ and affirm she-males – including school teachers.

Consider what’s already happening in certain states.

  • In 2008, students and parents were outraged to learn that a female music teacher at California’s Foxboro Elementary School underwent surgery to become a man. Parents were not informed about this so-called sex change in advance so they could remove their children from her class. In addition, the kids were required to refer to her as “Mister.” The school district refused to notify parents about this she-male’s so-called sex change because of “privacy laws.” – that is, federal HIPPA laws.
  • In 2006, students in New York’s Batavia High School were forced to remain in the class of a male teacher who was undergoing so-called surgical transition to female. Parents were refused the right to opt their children out of his class because he claimed protection under New York’s disability laws and therefore had to be accommodated by the school district. Students were told they had 30 days to learn how to properly address him or face punishment.
  • In 1999, Minnesota music teacher Alyssa Williams underwent a sex change operation from male to female while teaching at a Middle School in the Anoka-Hennepin School District. Parents were angered when their children were subjected to this man’s bizarre sexual transformation. So they requested that he be put in a position where he wouldn’t have contact with children. The superintendent of the district said they could not reassign the man to another position because it would have violated sate law, which gave special protected rights to transgendered individuals.

These are only a few of the ENDA horror stories. In each of these cases, a seriously mentally disturbed individual’s “right” to privacy was protected while the rights of the children and parents were violated. A person can have a so-called sex change operation, but their DNA is unchanged. Maleness and femaleness are in the DNA of a person. No one can truly change from one sex to another.

If ENDA becomes the law of the land, she-males will become teachers. Is this what you want? Send Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their liberal allies a message today by signing our petition against ENDA.

She-males... What assholes. Our kids should be afraid of folks like them.


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