Thursday, March 4, 2010

2010 California Marriage Equality is DEAD

Some LGBT groups (Love Honor Cherish) hoped to get the million signatures to put marriage eqaulity on the 2010 ballot in Cali-Cal.

Many of us thought it was a bad idea, mostly because there was no real plan for outreach and the money wasn't there. But the groups continued on, hoping to get it on the ballot.

Well, I think it's safe to say the idea is dead.

In his first press call with LGBT media outlets since being sworn in as the state's first openly gay Assembly speaker, John A. Perez (D-Los Angeles) said that there is "no practical way" to repeal the state's anti-same-sex marriage ban this year.

The lack of institutional support has been impossible thus far for the grassroots activists to overcome. As the Bay Area Reporter disclosed last month, the group seeking repeal this year is grossly under-funded and has collected so few signatures they have discussed using paid signature gatherers to meet the April 12 deadline of turning in nearly 700,000 valid signatures to state officials.

Asked about the repeal efforts this year, Perez said the effort is basically dead on arrival.

I think this is for the best. There's a lot work that needs to be done before we push this initiative forward.

2010 is not the year.


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