Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who I think could be Captain America

The news broke out about the list of actors going for the Captain America role.

And when I saw this list, I was like "meh". So, I thought I would list some guys that could fit the bill.

Ryan Gosling

Channing Tatum
Henry Cavill

Charlie Hunnam
Any others?


  1. I think George Eades would be perfect.

    LOVE to see him don the neoflex suit :)

  2. John Cena? He's hot to look at, I don't know about acting though.

  3. Who says he can't be Black? A buffed up Mehcad Brooks would be HOT!!

    Of your captain america candidates, I like CHanning and Ryan

  4. Mad Professah I nearly passed out...Mehcad in spandex. Can we say HOT SEX ON AN AMERICAN PLATTER?

    Anyway, I love Ryan Gosling! I think he is like a big old teddy bear. I'd rather him be my boyfriend than Captain

  5. Channing? No way - the guy needs some acting lessons and also some emotion as a hero.

    Ryan would be good. I'd go see it b/c of him! :)
