Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tom Tancredo believes that Obama was elected cuz 'We Do Not Have A Civics, Literacy Test' To Vote"

Please listen to this silly speech

Racism at it's best!


  1. I loved Rachel's zinger about the white hoods at the end of the vid. It made me laugh in the midst of my tears for America.

  2. Seriously now, isn't there any law in the US that criminalizes this kind of racist bullshit speeches?

  3. The only reason this movement exists is to give racists a political platform.

    Fuck em all. Quote me on that.

  4. Call me crazy, but I agree with the "civics literacy test". However, the vast majority of those retards in that room wouldn't be eligible to vote anymore than the "immigrants" he is complaining about. It'll suck for those assholes just it would for the "immigrants", thus the "civics literacy test" would be null and void.

    Some white people like Tancredo fail to realize that there are just as many "illiterates" in his movement as everywhere else...
