Monday, February 22, 2010

Question of the Day: The Dating Edition

What has been your experience in the dating world?

Good? Bad? In between?

Mine... in the past, in between. That's another story for another time.

But please share your story.


  1. My personal dating experiences have been lousy. I think I'm just not dating material.

  2. My past dating experiences were very good, even though I met everyone at the club! I haven't been single in almost 20 years. Maybe it's because I always approached dating as an old fashioned process. I was never one for one night hook ups. Heck I didn't even get to first base until after one to three months! Not that I didn't once or twice(still human) lol! On the whole, I guess I really took time to get to know someone and it helped in the long run. I could go on and on, but then there'd be no use in writing my memoirs!

  3. My experiences have been like 95% good...

  4. I've only dated two people - one was initially good but got too wierd - the other has been great. So with one good and one bad - I guess I'd have to go with "inbetween".

  5. V, when I was single my dating experience was pretty good. Just a few rough patches, but nothing too terrible.

  6. Comedy! Mine has been a sheer comedy routine...
    You could write a movie script (a romantic comedy/tragedy)about my dating
    Overall, not terrible...I've been on more good dates than bad ones.
