Monday, February 8, 2010

Interesting Quote: Barney Frank

"The president is leading. You don't wait for the president to go out and lobby. The NRA doesn't wait for the president to go out and lobby. … You think the president has a magic wand? [Waiting for the president to force a vote] is exactly why we're going to lose. The community does less lobbying than any other group … and sits around and whines because other people aren't delivering it for us."



  1. What he's saying is true, but sometimes Barney Frank forgets that we have a representative government, and it's our responsibility as a community to not only go out and "lobby" for ourselves, but also support politicians who call themselves "fierce" allies. No, our President can't go out and wave a magic wand, and no one is asking him to.

    As a constitutional scholar, he knows damn well that our rights are enshrined in the constitution. I support my President, but if he doesn't have the balls to stand up and, at the very least, SAY IT, then I'm going to call him out on it.

  2. He speaks the truth like no other openly LGBT politico, and for that he gets my respect.
