Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hanging Out with Ian DARKTOMAHAWK

Tonight, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Ian, the creator of the blogs MALE, Welding the Axe and Chocolate and Salsa.

Ian always wanted to come to the West Coast, so a MALE contributor, D-Place, invited him to come down.

Once the plan was made, I knew we had to met. So, we set it up and got together at WeHo for drinks and chat.

As you can see we had a ball.


  1. LOL what an adorable picture! Love it!
    Hope you guys had fun! Happy B-Day Ian =0)

  2. Great pictures of you guys. I hope Ian is having a great birthday.


  3. See how y'all are...u coulda invited me....

  4. You all look as if you had a fantastic time. I am wicked jealous.

    When are you coming to NYC again?
