Saturday, February 20, 2010

ENDA's not Dead, Still on Track

Rep. Barney Frank says that ENDA is still on track, it isn't dead yet.

“We were very close just before we snowed out to basically come to an agreement on a bill that would get a majority vote in the Education & Labor Committee,” he said.

Frank said he’s still anticipating the committee to markup ENDA this month and a floor vote on the bill this March.

“The speaker has promised me that as soon as it passes the committee, she’ll bring it up to the floor of the House,” Frank said.

The lawmaker said he’s been working on ENDA closely with Chairman George Miller (D-Calif.), whom Frank said has been “very supportive” on the legislation, as well as a coalition of organizations including transgender groups. Still, Frank said the transgender protections were among the sticking points in negotiations on how to proceed.

“There has always been a problem with the question of people who are transgender in situations where people are totally or partially unclothed,” he said.

This is good to hear. I hope March is the time.


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