Wednesday, February 3, 2010

9 Dumb Ass Senators won't leave D.C. alone

In D.C., 9 senators want to stop gay people from marrying until voters can decide on the issue. Along with NOM's meddling ass, these busy bodies believe this 'act' has gone too far and should be handled properly.

“An out-of-control city council tried to do an end run around the D.C. Charter, refusing to recognize the rights of D.C. voters to file an initiative petition on marriage,” said NOM Executive Director Brian Brown in the statement, which urges same-sex marriage opponents to call on Congress to pass the bill.

“Regardless of where your representatives stand on same-sex marriage, tell them that we ought not to stand for this sort of government abuse against the residents of the nation’s capital,” Brown said in the statement.

The 9 senators are: David Vitter (R-La.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Robert Bennett (R-Utah), Jim Bunning (R-Ky.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.). I guess they have enough time to dip their hands in other states' affairs.

Anywho this act of foolishness is expected to crash and burn in the committee.

Congressional Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said last week she received assurances from House and Senate Democratic leaders that Chaffetz’s bill — or a similar bill in the Senate — would be die in committee.

I just think it's fascinating how these folks are so caught up in gay marriage. Why do they think they can do this? And should they be dealing with their own state's issues?

The nerve of these cretins.



  1. V, I am beginning to think that they don't want us to attain that status, because if we did, they wouldn't have anyone left to blame for the awfulness in the world, but themselves. This will die in committee. Don't fret.

  2. I love when I see a name like David 'need to tip the hooker' Vitter trying to take some moral high rode... Oh, pul-leeeze, Mary, worry about your own pampers, and leave my rights alone.

  3. It seems like they have more pending issues at hand other than same sex unions. Oh yeah, Jason Chaffetz is House Rep. from Utah.

  4. If your against gay marriage...DONT GET MARRIED TO A GAY PERSON..if not shut the fuck up. We are born gay, we are here and deserved to be treated the same. If I molested a child, went to prison and got out..I could get married..same thing with murderers...where is the rightous indignation there?
