Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Someone Lay Hands on Dave Burk

Folks are losing it, I tell you.

Dave Burk, a Geneva High School teacher in Chicago, had an odd and stupid moment.

During his lecture about tax money and the arts, he stated:
"How would you feel about your tax dollars going to pay some black fag in New York to take pictures of other black fags?"
Some folks were very upset about this and student, Jordan Hunter, reported Dave to the big wigs.

Here's more:

Burk's attorney, D.J. Tegeler, said Monday he was not personally aware of the terms Burk used to his classes, but that Burk apologizes for any offense.

"Mr. Burk is cooperating fully with both the principal, the dean of students and the school board," Tegeler said. "Mr. Burk's biggest problem is he does not want to intentionally offend anybody and if he did, he apologizes."

Tegeler said Burk will abide by any punishment the district picks. "We have no intention of fighting anything," Tegeler said.

What was going through his mind? Something must be going on in his personal life to shout out some foolishness like this.



  1. What?! That is so far beyond the pale that you know he had to be off his Oxycontin.

  2. I am not sure which is worse - he said those things aloud, or that he didn't think they would be offensive to anyone. And only apologizes to those who were offended, not because he made a bigoted statement.

  3. Yeah his problem is that he is a fucking racist prick, that hates faggots and loves to brag about it and has gotten away with doing so for so many years. That prick needs to get fucking fire. Then he will know the meaning of his hateful statement. Only when you are in a position of need or disadvantage you learn to sympathize with others.

  4. "And even in my regular, little life, so many weird things are happening at work. These people are coming unhinged."

    What are some of those "weird things"? I'm curious.
