Friday, October 9, 2009

President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize

Wow, this is good to wake up to... and somewhat shocking and out of the blue as well.

Obama just won the Nobel Peace Prize this morning.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee countered that it was trying "to promote what he stands for and the positive processes that have started now." It lauded the change in global mood wrought by Obama's calls for peace and cooperation, and praised his pledges to reduce the world stock of nuclear arms, ease American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthen the U.S. role in combating climate change.

The peace prize was created partly to encourage ongoing peace efforts but Obama's efforts are at far earlier stages than past winners'. The Nobel committee acknowledged that they may not bear fruit at all.

"He got the prize because he has been able to change the international climate," Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said. "Some people say, and I understand it, isn't it premature? Too early? Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now. It is now that we have the opportunity to respond — all of us."

Not everyone is happy about this, but there will be haters.

Michael Steele had this to say:

"The real question Americans are asking is, What has President Obama actually accomplished?"

Trick, 'what have you accomplish?' is what you need to ask yourself, Steele. And don't put this as "Americans", we all know it's mostly you and your cronies.

Anywho, congrats, President Obama.



  1. Michael Steele is what Malcolm X would call a house Negro. I despised colonialized assholes like him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm so proud of President Obama and for our country! Sarkosy said America was being accepted back into the hearts of the world or something like that.
