Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Patrick Lanzo is an Asshole

A bar owner in Georgia, who tag line boast about being the original Klan bar, placed a "wonderful" sign outside saying, “Obama’s plan for health care – [n-word]rig it"

Patrick quickly received criticism and when Alan Colmes interviewed him, he defended his actions saying it was free speech and he's not racist. He even noted that he was a member of NAACP and marched for Gay rights in Cobb county.

But, please take a look at some of things he said.

COLMES: No one’s questioning that you have the first amendment right to do it. That’s not the issue.

LANZO: You’re saying it’s not politically correct.

COLMES: It’s not a matter of being politically correct. It’s downright offensive, it’s downright insulting, it’s downright nasty and meanspirited towards a group of people who have been spending fighting for equality. Finally we get an African American president and you’re busy using the n-word to describe something he wants to do in terms of fixing health care.

LANZO: Well, see that would offend me, because I don’t look at Obama bein’ an African American. What’s wrong with him being a Black American? And he’s even a half-breed, he’s not a full black person.

COLMES: Well, again, the word half-breed is rather an insulting term.

He has many signs in his bar. A mix of Martin Luther King to Whites Only swimming sign. He thinks it cool to also have KKK items there as well.
Patrick, you are an asshole.
Go here to hear the interview


  1. I love people who have no real understanding of the rights they spout about [spending too much time believing Faux News, I am sure]. Free speech is just that, the ability to say things without being arrested, not to speak without repercussions or responsibility for what you said. Sorry, you racist ass, my free speech allows me to tell you are a bigot, and your hatred is unwelcome.

  2. What the fuck does that even MEAN? Stupid fuck.

  3. Freedoms must be taken with responsibility....if not then we can disrespect each other and where's the sense in that!
