Friday, October 9, 2009

If I could: Arizona would be banished in a bottle like the city of Kandor

This state has outlived it's foolishness for too long.

It must be banished like Calibos in the Clash of the Titans
Here's the latest mess from that state:

The Phoenix area has had a run of high-profile racist incidents recently. Last weekend, an interracial couple was gunned down while walking through a park last weekend after a stranger with a shaved head and tattoos asked the African-American man why he was "with a white woman." Residents of Fountain Hills, another Phoenix suburb, were terrorized recently by racist vandalism that included anti-Semitic and pro-KKK imagery.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which regularly tracks hate groups as part of its mission, says hate groups are growing in Arizona. Two national Nazi events are scheduled to be held in the Phoenix area in the coming weeks: a national Nazi festival in Tonopah in October and a national neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement rally in early November.And a national Neo-Nazi festival is scheduled to be held in Tonopah, another suburb of Phoenix, on October 24th.

I'm so glad I'm not a powerful deity.


  1. Honey who you tellin?! If I was a God I would blow the world up and start the fuck over!

  2. I've always wondered why we keep Ariona as well! Why not just consoidate all those people into Nevada, and then turn off the lights and AC in Arizona and save some greenhouse gasses! Now THAT's green thinking!

  3. This is why we have Arizona - the Navajos! So I have a better idea - let's get rid of everyone but the American Indians there and let those awful people go to the Middle East.

    Yes, I have excellent memories of experiences with a Navajo art teacher and spiritual leader but am capable of being objective mostly.

  4. Blot it off the map or at least the neo-nazi and KKK groups. They scare the shit out of me btw.

    And yes, it's a damned good thing I'm not a god either. There'd be a trail of bodies, a higher count than old Yahweh could ever make.

    Lets put it this way, the Republicans would be gone too. Same with Fox News.
