Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Question of the Day

Are Mike Rogers' actions acceptable or bad for the community?

He is known for outing politicians who vote for anti-gay policies. Check out his blog here


  1. Hmmm, I am not sure. I truly don't like taking a person's right to take time to come out themselves [or not], but I do understand his motivation. But I have never liked the whole outing thing.

  2. I used to have great respect and admiration for Mike Rogers, until the day he banned me from commenting his blog for no reason (a response to a Peter Tatchell action and a photo that was posted of him looking manic as he tried to interrupt an Olympic Torch runner) and then proceeed on a full scale online attack, even going so far as to adopt Peter LaBarbera's talking points).

    One of his regular readers even told me in an e-mail to go kill myself. I've an excerpt of it still somewhere.

    So while I may be in the "bad for the community" column, ironically, it's because he helped to put me there.

  3. NG sorry about that. I do not know Mike Rogers perse, but I am telling you I am glad his Outing this low down homophobes. There should me more people like him outing this kind of men. One of the biggest problem with the closet is that its design only safeguards down low man to continue with their double lives, but it does not protect GLBTG from being harassed and persecuted. The minute that anyone appears appears to be within the queer zone., he/she is bound to get harassed and persecuted by bigots and is in the cases are closeted themselves.

  4. On my blog thingys, I offered a hypothetical: To what extent does Bauer being an anti-gay closet case have upon me or anyone that lives outside of South Carolina.

    I'm being objective, trying to put aside any personal grudges. Other than he being a political hypocrite and Michael getting a few extra hits to his blog, of course, (nothing wrong with that, I'm just saying) there's been no one in South Carolina telling me they can now get married or anything like that, because Andre is no more on the down low.

  5. If you are a person that has power or influence over creating the laws that affect lives, I think you automatically place yourself in a position, where you have to be carefully looked at. There is too much corruption and hypocrisy happening in government. We have to mind the store and the folks we placed in the front counters.

    The way I see it is that you can't have it both ways. By this I mean, you use homophobia to win an election by appealing to bigoted constituents, and then go home and have a slap and tickle session with a same sex lover.

    Yeah, this may be unseemly and not ideal way of handling matters, but to have a self-hating person in a role that impacts law and our lives is not cute at all.

  6. I do not think that the argument is Bauer closet or not closet. I think the argument is that within his political agenda homophobia is promoted and legislated in favor of. And those laws transplant at times to other states. And frankly, why will I protect someone that hate my life style. Specially now, with all the kill the faggot antics going on. What is wrong with fighting back and Why will anyone stay in the closet to begin with. Unless they are profiteering from idea.
