Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What do you get when you Try to Help unfortunate, yet Ignorant People?

I should be nicer, but these folks are challenging me.

It's funny how these folks get ran over by the repubs and then when you try to help their foolish asses, they act like this.

It's an American shame.


  1. I really think the racists are coming out of the woodwork on this one. They just cannot stand that a bi-racial man is President.

    I wish they could see past color and the fear, uncertainty and doubt being spread by the insurance industry.

  2. Truthspew, we can wish for that day to come but it won't. All they see is the color of Obama's skin. This was never about Healthcare reform. This is about a black man being President.
    These people act like animals. They are to be pitied and kept under survelliance.

  3. The mob-mentality of the Bush years is trying to regain its footing in the disruption of public and human discourse. When attacking the 'liberal' Democrat didn't work, they went for the gays in California, and now are trying to set up in the states with the health care lies and more culture wars. This is an effort to organize for the 2010 midterm elections, and keep race and 'morals' out front. They are despicable.

  4. It makes me deeply and profoundly sad.
