I saw the pic yesterday too and found out that it was a fake. Someone photoshopped her face onto the picture. If I can find the link I'll come back and post it. Also, the link to the song isn't working for me. :( Ah well. I did hear that she is back witH Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis though!! Do you guys think they are up to the task or do you think there time has kinda passed. Like BabyFace and some of those other great eighties producers.
Also, if you look at the length of this models forearms you can tell that A. they are very, very slender and B. they are fairly tall. Plus, I think it is too soon after Mike's passing for JJ to be sending out promo material of any kind. That just doesn't seem like her style.
First of all, how do you get all these scoops!? Secondly, I think that's a studio singer but it's def a Janet demo and I love it!
ReplyDeleteHope it's coming out this year!
I think I like the song, but don't know if I love it. Hmmmmmm.
ReplyDeletei saw the pic yesterday on another site.
ReplyDeletemy first thoughts about the pic were Planet of the Apes. You'd have to see the movie to understand.
I like Janet, but the songs are starting to sound the same. and that song didn't even sound like her singing it.
Oh well.
Hey Viktor
ReplyDeleteSend me an email...I wanna talk to you about some blogging opportunities for Jordan/Rustin Coalition
buckmire@hordanrustin.org or
u have no email contact on your blog, bad boy!
That image is damned spooky!
ReplyDeleteI saw the pic yesterday too and found out that it was a fake. Someone photoshopped her face onto the picture. If I can find the link I'll come back and post it. Also, the link to the song isn't working for me. :( Ah well. I did hear that she is back witH Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis though!! Do you guys think they are up to the task or do you think there time has kinda passed. Like BabyFace and some of those other great eighties producers.
ReplyDeleteHere ya go!
Also, if you look at the length of this models forearms you can tell that A. they are very, very slender and B. they are fairly tall. Plus, I think it is too soon after Mike's passing for JJ to be sending out promo material of any kind. That just doesn't seem like her style.