Monday, August 3, 2009

Moo-donna 's New Song SUCKS Fin Fang Foom's balls

This Celebration song by Madonna sucks!!!

Gays are raving about it, but as usual, they are tricked by the crazy gap in her teeth.


I'll stick to Beyonce.


  1. I am so sick of this woman.

    This is what happens when one does not recgonise ones use by date.



  2. If you like Madonna, then you most likely like the song (I'm in that group), if you don't like her, then you prolly don't like the song.

    That's what I'm finding 'round the Internets anyway...

  3. I'll pass on both this song and Beyonce.

  4. Ha! Honestly, I can't understand the appeal, either. But, I'm not a fan of Madonna... I haven't been since the 90s.

    But, what I can understand is her die-hard fans appreciation of anything she puts out... Just like my love of anything by Paula Abdul, Alanis Morissette, and the late Michael Jackson, even if it's isn't necessarily "good" music, or anything resembling the quality of their earlier work.

    What it comes down to, in my opinion, is people's own tastes and biases, which is influential in whatever we decide to love.
