Thursday, August 13, 2009

Katy Abram is an Idiot!


  1. She's too stupid to feel shame in going on TV and exposing herself as a complete moron. She is one of those willfully and agressively ignorant folks that found 15 minutes of fame over the last two weeks.

  2. It obviously "isn't just you"...or do you just delete any dissenting comments.
    I just find it sad that rather then respecting the fact that she actually has the nerve to go to a town hall meeting and say just call her an idiot. (Like calling someone an IDIOT is so profound!)
    It's not like she is TV star who has a speech coach, she's just a regular person trying to get some answers...and I actually think she had a very good question. Anyway, I'm only posting this because your post is one of the top hits on Katie Abrams and since it appears you are getting alot of traffic for the post...someone needs to say something!

  3. I'm speechless and wish she were, too.

  4. Come check out the comments on my latest post.

  5. Ashley please! Katy Abrams is an idiot because first of instead of educating herself on the issue instead she makes asinine comments about this plan. If you don't know what is going on with the plan then don't walk in with a preconceived notion that it will turn the US into Russia as she proclaimed.

    I'm high tired of people pretending the know things about this House only proposal and saying stuff that isn't even true without taking time to read the actual proposal itself. Instead they go into these meetings with preconceived bias and notions without any factual backing to affirm their notions.

    The US is turning into a nation of idiots where so many what others to tell then or inform of things they should at least to some research to know for themselves. There a number of governmental sites including CQ Weekly where you can do a search on the Congressional bills to learn what is going on for yourself.

  6. In addition, she doesn't even know what she is even talking about. She doesn't even handle the payment of the bills as she dubbed "her husband handled it for herself". She doesn't even want to talk with her own parents about their healthcare claiming its "politics". She has reaffirmed what I have noted that we are becoming a nation of ill-informed idiots that doesn't even try to take time to inform themselves or care enough about our fellow man to help the least fortunate amongst us. When has worrying about "getting married" more important than things that affect us in the everyday world? People need to wake up and fast.

  7. In addition, she doesn't even know what she is even talking about. She doesn't even handle the payment of the bills as she dubbed "her husband handled it for herself". She doesn't even want to talk with her own parents about their healthcare claiming its "politics". She has reaffirmed what I have noted that we are becoming a nation of ill-informed idiots that doesn't even try to take time to inform themselves or care enough about our fellow man to help the least fortunate amongst us. When has worrying about "getting married" more important than things that affect us in the everyday world? People need to wake up and fast.

  8. She needs to shut the fuck up... Sure it takes balls to stand up and say what you really feel, but all it takes is STUPIDITY to stand up and say something you know nothing about.

    Although, I do have to admit I feel a HUGE amount of pity for her, looking into those big, beautiful eyes and realizing she's just another victim of the fear-mongering Conservative/Healthcare Industry machine.

  9. Just found your post. I just wanted to say, those who are not constitutional scholars should not bring the constitution into their arguments. Same goes with socialism and communism. If one doesn't know the philosophies and histories of either, they have no right to argue on either premis. Therefore, Katy Abram is an ignorant idiot. There. I said it.

  10. Yeah and a fucking liar too. She is a repug herself with astroturf connections. Does she thinks people are not going to find out her shit.
