Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interesting Quote: Stephen Sommers, the man who Directed (F**KED UP) G.I. Joe

BFD: Is geek love more important than love by mainstream critics?

Sommers: Absolutely. Nobody who goes to see these movies reads Richard Corliss. The mass audience pays no attention to these critics. I’m not sure they matter. It’s about word of mouth. I just got an A with the under-25 crowd. Would I rather have that score or the top 25 critics raving about me? I’ll take what I got. I want as many people as possible to see my movie. I grew up loving movies like `Jaws’ and `Star Wars.’ When you sit in a theater and have that shared experience, it is the biggest rush. From what I saw at theaters, the audience is cheering out loud in all the right places, and laughing in the right places. That is hard to get in pure drama, because there is no audience action until the very end. Some of those movies depend on the positive Corliss review. On the most popular movies of the last decade, the reviews have gotten more vicious, more personal. These critics have become a dying breed, and part of it is how much more vicious and personal they’ve become. They attack the directors, personally.

No, no, no! Real geeks abhor this mess. The mainstream loved this movie because they're are stu... I mean unaware.

And that "under 25" statement? Please, let's be real about those viewers. They are not true fans of the cartoon or really smart geeks either. They are drones.

If critics got their hands on this, the movie would have not done well. And let's be honest, this was not a huge hit, this will DROP big time next week. Plus, Star Trek, Serenity, Iron Man, Dark Knight and LOTR got great reviews and were big hits! So don't kid yourself, Stephen. This is a mess, the real geeks hated it and a sequel will definitely fail.


Yes, I'm bitter about it!


1 comment:

  1. Sommers is an arrogant asshole who has left a trail of very bitter associates behind him. He was responsible for the firing of many talented people at Paramount because he got his panties in a wad about the so called rumors of his firing. He actually threw a fit and threatened the studio if they did not listen to him and take decisive action. And he has said over and over again that he will only work with so called "nice" people on his movies. That is because he does not want anyone to cause waves. In other words if you disagree with him then you are on his short list. Well guess what Sommers. The world is full of people who disagree with you (including critics) The reality is your movies suck!
