Wednesday, July 1, 2009

LGBT Bloggers are trying to Save Face by questioning the DNC Fundraiser

By the Power of Greyskull, gay folks really trip me out. Today our usual suspects (Pam's House Blend, AMERICAblog, Dan Savage and Queerty of course) are questioning if the DNC raised a million dollars.

Now, I don't mind asking questions, but it just seems this is more of a hater party looking for drama.

So with that said, I'm going to break down my concerns about this.

  • They are all claiming that they haven't seen the receipt or anything, so it must be a lie. That's a bad assumption. Also I have to question the reasons why they need to know. Let's be real, their egos were bruised when people actually went to this event and raised tons of money. They spent days bashing this event and claiming that if this person pulls out, the event is over. But it wasn't over and it was a success. I'm sure they felt a that egg frying on their faces. So it seems this is more about regaining their credibility if anything.
  • Dan Savage also tries to do some math, claiming: There were 180 people at the fundraiser and tickets were $1000 a piece and not everyone paid to attend. Some people paid more than $1000, but for 180 people to raise $1 million dollars the average attendee would have to have donated more than $5,500. Doable, sure, but I want to see the financial reports.
  • Did we forget that this money was raised for us? I know it helps the Demonic Dems, but it goes to us and our issues...Can we be happy for that?

Again, I think we should question things. But I wonder if this more about rubbing their bruised egos or fighting for our rights? It's just interesting the same folks calling foul on the fundraiser are the same folks who tried to stop it.

1 comment:

  1. The money did not go to "us" and "our issues" went to a political party that has for years taken our money and kicked our issues down the road.

    I knew the day after that the fundraiser didn't raise as much money as they claimed...they just wanted to make it seem like the protest and people dropping out had little impact...that it's business as usual. It's not. They raised MORE money than last year? During a recession? When the attendance count was lower? No...sorry. they shuffled money in to make it look like things were okay.

    The democrats got the message and that is why things are finally moving.
