Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Interesting Quote: Daniel Radcliffe

"It's wonderful. I grew up around gay people my entire life, basically, that's possibly why I'm quite camp, and some people think I'm gay when I meet them, which I think is awesome. It's always good to keep them guessing [laughs]. I don't go on any blogs or chats or anything, but my friends are demons for them, and apparently someone said 'Daniel Radcliffe is gay. He's got a gay face!' [laughs] I really don't know what a gay face is.

But I think it's wonderful that Dumbledore was outed as gay ... Half of me thinks Jo Rowling just did that to see if she could piss off the right wing, but I'm not sure how true that is. I think she had it planned, I think she always knew he was gay

What Daniel thinks about Dumledore being gay


  1. Maybe some people think he's gay because he is? haha. You know those Hollywood people. I'm not sure what I think about Dumledore being gay. That whole thing seemed so out of place when it happened.

  2. He sho is purty though! Maybe that's gay face. Dumbledore being gay or not being gay mattered little. It had very little to no, mostly no, effect on the book or the reading of it. The only thing it may have changed is how you envisioned or voiced the character in your head when you read the books.

    I think her making him gay is a way of forcing a coming out on the public. The character was so loved and adored and many were heartbroken when he died. A lot were expecting him to pull a Gandalf and show up in the final book. (His constant companion was a phoenix, seemed kinda obvious.) But that never happened. Finding out that he was gay made a lot of folks question how they felt about him and how they would rectify that with his sexuality. I would imagine in much they same way my family had to do with me upon coming out. How do you deal with your homophobia when you find out someone you love and admire is gay. What do you do when your kids love and respct that person and enjoy being with them? How do you tell them or do you at all? She kinda forced that decision and thinking on the public. She gave them there own gay family member.

    Also, did you read Blackest Night #1???? WOW!!! Go DC it's getting hardcore!! I'm still not sure what exactly the black rings do though.

  3. I haven't got it yet, but I will later tonight

  4. Good point, MKwan. I hadn't thought about it that way and am glad I read your comment.

  5. Meh, I don't care. I really don't think Daniel Radcliffe is that cute, to be honest. He's okay I guess.

  6. Albus Dumbledore being gay really does not much matter--*unless* Rowling is planning on writing a prequel. (Which, I think, would be a marvelous idea.)

    I do not do the whole fan fiction thing, but I imagine for those folks who are into it, there are all sorts of stories out there with LGB hook-ups.
