Tuesday, July 28, 2009

From Comic-Con: Gays in Comics Panel

One of the biggest highlights of Comic-Con was the Gays in Comics Panel.

This panel consisted of :
Andy Mangels
(best-selling author of Star Trek novels and Iron Man: Beneath The Armor) Greg Rucka, the acclaimed author of Detective Comics (featuring the lesbian Batwoman and The Question)
Phil Jimenez
, artist of Astonishing X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man
Gail Simone, writer of Wonder Woman and Secret Six
Peter David, writer of Fallen Angel and lots of novels
Ed Luce, the writer/artist of the Bear-centric Wuvable Oaf
Sina Grace, whose Books with Pictures and illustrated novel Cedric Hollows in Dial M for Magic
Perry Moore, writer of Hero

The discussions were awesome. They talked about the Shatterstar and Rictor romance, diversifying the gay characters, Wonder Woman, the changes they hope to see and what else can be done to strengthen LGBT characters in comics.

It was great to see our family members representing in the geek and comic world. Sometimes in L.A., all you see is the plastic and shallow side of gay life; but at this panel discussion, I felt at home.

The crowd was very receptive and the panelists were fascinating. It was a purely a wonderful time. And... I got to meet Gay Comic Geek! Paul is very nice and sweet guy.

So this was a great closing event for my Comic-Con experience. Oh, this was their 22nd year in doing the panel, so congrats on continuing the legacy.

More to come