Thursday, July 9, 2009

Alex Cortez, Your actions are UNACCEPTABLE!

Alex Cortez is the ex-bf of Actor Terrell Carter (who has been in several Tyler Perry's shows and movies).

And he outed Terrell after they broke up. Tacky!

In fact, this is what he said.
"Hell yeah i’m angry!…there are fucked up ppl out there no matter how nice they seem to be & it’s their fault, ppl they harm are bitter!"
No Alex, it's your fault for being so childish and petty. This will be your claim to fame, so enjoy it since you are basically a mess.

It is unacceptable to act like this, Alex! Be a man and handle your business. What did you hope to accomplish by outing Terrell?

Now, I know I have no idea what happened in their relationship, however this should not be the end result. It's so tacky and harmful, very harmful.

We should reach out to Terrell as a community. He may not want our help now, but it will be good for him to know he has a welcoming space to come to. And we should reach out to Alex; he should know and understand the damage he has caused.

Because of this mess, I will not post any of the leaked pics. We should not make a bigger spectacle of this drama.


  1. I can't stand people who out others, but on a positive note it's nice to have such a gorgeous talented down-to-earth man on our side of the team. Hopefully he'll realise it's not so bad outside the closet and others will follow, albeit on their own terms.

  2. All I can say is, I agree. What a filthy little weasel. I think his actions are a perfect indication of why Carter let him go.

  3. The only acceptable outing that I support is the outing of politicians who actively oppose gay rights.

  4. Regardless of the allegations. Alex is undeniably HOT!

  5. I think the Alex Guy was just trying to ride on the fame of Terrell Carter. It is evident he wants to be a model. Good luck on that Alex.
    Gays like Alex is a slap in the face to the movement and the lifestyle of the Gay culture. Alex here is some food for thought:
    Grow up and find a new career. How about go to school and learn something that is useful to the world.

  6. LBJ (Lovin' me some Terrell!)August 30, 2009 at 10:45 PM

    Terrell's true fans will always support him. We have NO RIGHT to his personal life. I could care less who he choses to sleep with. That is not my business as a fan.Terrell is an amazing talent. His musical gift is undeniable and he is gorgeous. Alex, u will never have a successful career after such a harmful attach on someone else's career. No one will support this type of messiness. Maybe it's because u're really young and u still have a lot to learn. IDK. I just want to know why u r outing people while your MySpace page says u're straight? That's NOT a good look, Alex. Whatever was between u and Terrell should have stayed between u2.In the end, though, I will ALWAYS support Terrell Carter. He is an amazing talent! Now, go to CDBaby and dowload his new single "I Don't Give a Damn". Support good talent!! Terrell, ur female audience still has ur back!

  7. I am so appalled that gays are so upset and are attacking Alex Cortez for doing 'the right thing.' Yes his reason for outing Terrell was selfish, but the reality is that these two men are gays and were in a relationship together. The fact is we as gays need to STOP encouraging ourselves and others to live in the closet. It seems as if being in the closet has become some glamorous trend that we all should follow? I am more upset with Terrell for lying to himself, pretending to be someone he's not. The bible tells me that God hates a liar, so Terrell wasn't doing himself any favor. In fact all gays know that how they are is how God intended them to be, yet you find gays giving into the lie of society that we 'chose' our 'lifestyle.'
    People like Terrell who is gifted and defy stereotype of how a gay man looks and how a gay man behaves, help to kill that stereotype that all gays are 'queens' 'drags' 'sissies' 'weaklings' etc.
    At a time like this, when many Blacks are so against gays and want to believe that homosexuality does not exist in the community, we are to mobilize ourselves around those gays who are identified and let the hypocritical pastors and others know that gay is here to stay and we deserve our rights to be like all humans!
    In closing, we need not to attack one for outing another, because we all should be OUT! remember, Alex also outed himself. Why should we think gays are different from anybody else. When a man hurts his wife doesn't she at times do things or say things to hurt him? So why expect any different from gay couples? Such possibilities are a part of the game of LOVE. Alex must've really loved Terrell to see the need to expose both themselves. I only hope that forgiveness will prevail. If Terrell is a Christian as he claims, then that shouldn't be so difficult; it's not like he was lied on.

  8. No one should be outed when they don't want to. That is such a personal thing that people have to be able to do it on their own terms. No one knows the story of their relationship or what Terrell or Alex'z backgrounds are besides they're both attractive, gay and Terrell can sing. Terrell maybe had good reason not to come out yet. People are always trying to ruin the success of someone else when they aren't doing as well as they are. It's called jealousy, plain and simple. I wish Terrell well...looks like he's doing fine. He's still a successful actor and has just made it on to the X Factor show. I think he'll be ok.

  9. It is very very disrespectful for some one to out someone else terrell might not been ready to that you have to think about his family as well that is not a perfect way to find out that your son is gay. I believe people should be more understanding on what they because its not just effecting the person your trying to hurt it effects everyone around i will say this i have plenty of gay friends and i love them they great people but yall your down by stupid shit so gay community please be mindful what you do because people are always watching

  10. Mr Cortez really fuk up he could of been living the good life becaus im
    Sure his name is tainted and can't be trusted. Mr. Cortez now resides in a not so good neighborhood in Chicago northside and works out at a 20 dollar a month gym. See God does not like ugly he will serve u a can of karma . I'm just saying!

  11. @ Anonymous
    The south side is the bad part of Chicago ( always on the news ). When reporting a story you “ Must “ remain biases ( this one not ). 2nd Planet Fitness is an up an coming catered to normal people “ None Judgment “ to ensure you reach your goal for over all fitness.( Go get your Life
