Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You're done, Bishop Harry! D.C. SC dismissed a motion to stall recognition of gay marriage

Well he tried and tried again, and failed miserably. Judge Judith Retchin, a D.C. Superior Court judge, dismissed Harry and the Hendersons' motion to stall the implementation of a new law recognizing gay marriage performed in other states.

Here's more
The decision from to deny a preliminary injunction and grant the city’s motion to dismiss means there will be no referendum on the recognition statute, which will likely become law July 6 after a congressional review of the law is completed. Congress is not expected to undue the legislation. Retchin determined that the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics ruled properly that the proposed referendum, sought by a coalition of area clergy, was an improper subject for a ballot question because it would violate the city’s Human Rights Act. The act, she said, makes it “unlawful for the government to deny services or benefits based on membership in a protected category,” and there are some 200 rights and responsibilities conferred to married couples that are not given to legally recognized same sex couples.

Just stop it, Harry! This issue is done already.


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