Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Will we ever see the Buffy spin-off, RIPPER?

Ages ago, Buffy fans hoped to see the possible spinoff about Giles. It was going to be called, Ripper. But, it never happen due to contracts, scheduling and other projects.

However, Anthony Head just revealed in an interview with Sci-Fi Wire that before Dollhouse, the idea was mentioned to the BBC.
"Originally, when he pitched it to me, it was a series, and it was Giles as this sad, lonely man in England without a real reason to be," Head said. "It was pretty much ghost stories. Week by week, some ghost story would somehow affect him. Then he said he didn't want to. By that time, I think he had been affected by Angel, the need to write a weekly story. I think he found at that point the drive was different, so he suggested this one film that we were going to make.

He told me this story that he had written, and it's absolutely beautiful, and I hope that one day it gets made, whether it's in the guise of Ripper or whether we just tell it as a one-off TV movie. It's a lovely, lovely story. It's kind of a ghost story. It's also about a man investigating his own soul, and it's fascinating, lovely, sad, and it's classic Joss Whedon. I hope we get to make it one day. From there on in, if it was successful, maybe he could have been convinced to do a series. As I say, now he's back in the seat of doing a weekly series with Dollhouse; maybe he can be convinced otherwise. Never say never, but at the same time, I think it's on a shelf for a while."

Never say Never...Hopefully we will see this on the tube someday.



  1. Hey WM -

    Send me an email:


    ...and let me know how to reach you about possibly having a drink while you're in NYC this weekend.


  2. I like him and am trying to remember that show on BBC-A he was on. It was about several men. Do you know?

  3. I looked it up on IMDB. It's Manchild and he was also on Monarch of the Glen and Jonathan Creek.
