Friday, June 26, 2009

Perez Hilton Must be Delivered to the Kraken By Morning

I support the Full Blackballing of Perez Hilton, I can't believe he did this
What a terrible Human Being! Burn Perez...Burn!

Oh and peeps are going after him, here


  1. If everyone ignores him, he'll go away.

  2. I am soooo over her. Were in hour 9 of her 15 minutes.

  3. I think he moved that from his website...when I saw it I was like dude c'mon!!!

  4. Though I understand that this post of his would be just another reason he's a sorry excuse for a human being, I'm curious as to why there is so much outrage because of it in particular... He's had several similar, equally horrible ideas and it's what he's known for.

    Also, I understand the desire to boycott him, but people should call it for what it is... Not a boycott because he disrespected Michael Jackson, but just the straw that broke the camel's back for people who already hated him.

  5. Fortunately for some reason I was following him on Twitter (even though I almost never check it or get on there) and was happy to remove him from my list. It was mostly for all the other reasons with this being the final straw.
