Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pedro Espada Jr. and Hiram Monserrate are Traitors!

These fools should be showered in sewage water. Pedro Espada Jr. of the Bronx and Hiram Monserrate of Queens have sided with the Repubs in hopes to gain power in New York.

Some sources say this has something to do with the gay marriage issue. Pedro was a part of Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.'s gang of 3 who tried to threaten the Dems to follow their lead.

This mutiny caused other issues as well

Shortly after the coup, Republicans named Espada temporary president of the Senate and Republican Dean Skelos of Nassau County vice president and majority leader. Skelos was majority leader in 2008.

Those are the most powerful positions in the chamber. With them, the bipartisan coalition can direct legislation and reassign committee and leadership posts.

Democrats tried to leave the chamber, even turning off the lights briefly, and are expected to challenge Monday's action in court.

The coup throws into doubt the movement to legalize same-sex marriage, one of the major policy issues still pending for the last two weeks of the regular session. Although passed in the Democrat-led Assembly, it is stalled in the Senate. Several Republicans and Sen. Ruben Diaz, a Bronx Democrat oppose the measure.

Democratic leader Malcolm Smith of Queens, who was elected majority leader in January, referred to the drama as "scurrilous action" by Republicans.

"There was an illegal vote taken," Smith said. "Let me be very clear _ very clear _ the Senate majority is in Democratic hands." He said he won't reconvene the session until the coalition drops its challenge to the leadership.

Honestly, these actions are selfish and damaging to the democratic process. I hope something can be done about this. Also it chills me to the bone if this "act" was really about gay marriage. If it was, then it's no telling what these fools would do to stop our happiness.


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