Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The List of Fools who wants to Filibuster SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor

These egg yokes have too much time on their hands.

In a foolish attempt to stop the approval of SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor, these tramps wrote a letter urging Senate Republicans to do something (as if).

This is mess, of course, but I wanted to present the list of these folks who "wants action". Feel free to look up what they represent. I've highlighted a few of them.

  • Manuel A. Miranda, Chairman
  • Richard Viguerie, ConservativeHQ.com
  • David Keene, American Conservative Union
  • Gary Bauer, American Values
  • Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
  • Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America
  • Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Eagle Forum's Court Watch
  • Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
  • Mark R. Levin. President, Landmark Legal Foundation
  • Tom Minnery, Focus on the Family
  • Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America
  • Rev. Miguel Rivera, National Coalition of Latino Clergy & Christian Leaders
  • Dr. Carl Herbster, AdvanceUSA
  • Donald E. Wildmon, American Family Association
  • Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality
  • Willes K. Lee, Hawaii Republican Party. Immediate Past Chairman
  • Ron Robinson, Young America’s Foundation
  • Michael P. Farris, Esq., Home School Legal Defense Association
  • Peter Flaherty, National Legal and Policy Center
  • Kelly Shackelford. Liberty Legal Institute
  • Dana Cody, Life Legal Defense Foundation.
  • Susan Carleson, American Civil Rights Union
  • Phillip Jauregui, Judicial Action Group,
  • Ilya Shapiro, Esq., Cato Institute
  • Dean John C. Eastman, Dean, Chapman University School of Law
  • Dean Mathew D. Staver, Liberty Univ. School of Law (Founder, Liberty Counsel)
  • Prof. Teresa S. Collett. University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minnesota
  • Prof. Ronald D. Rotunda, Chapman University School of Law
  • Michelle Gress, J.D., The Westchester Institute for Ethics
  • L. Brent Bozell III, Media Research Center
  • Thomas A. Glessner, JD, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
  • Denise Singleton, American Federation of Senior Citizens
  • Jim Martin, 60 Plus Association
  • Rev. Rick Scarborough, Vision America
  • Rev. Louis Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition
  • Andrea Lafferty, Traditional Values Coalition
  • Keith Wiebe, American Association of Christian Schools
  • Debbie Joslin, Alaska Eagle Forum, Republican National Committeewoman, Alaska
  • Bruce Ash, Republican National Committeeman, Arizona
  • Steve Scheffler, Iowa Christian Alliance, Republican National Committeeman, Iowa
  • W. Ross Little, Jr., Republican National Committeeman, Louisiana
  • Curly Haugland, Republican National Committeeman, North Dakota
  • Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum, Republican National Committeewoman, Texas
  • Kathy Terry, Republican National Committeewoman, Virginia
  • David Ridenour, The National Center for Public Policy Research
  • Amy Ridenour, Americans for the Preservation of Liberty
  • Jeffrey Mazzella, Center for Individual Freedom
  • William H. Shaker. Rule of Law Committee
  • William J. Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition
  • J. C. Willke, MD, International Right to Life Federation
  • Bradley Mattes, Life Issues Institute
  • Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, Human Life International
  • Dr. Patricia McEwen, Life Coalition International
  • Austin Ruse, Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute
  • Jennifer Kimball, Culture of Life Foundation
  • Eric Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League
  • John Jansen, Generations for Life
  • Mark L. Melcher - The Political Forum
  • Deal W. Hudson. Catholic Advocate
  • Brian Burch, Fidelis and CatholicVote.org
  • John-Henry Westen, LifeSiteNews.com
  • Tom Shields, Coalition for Marriage and Family
  • Chuck Muth, Citizen Outreach
  • William Greene, Ph.D., RightMarch.com
  • Jimmy LaSalvia, GOProud
  • Mychal Massie, Project 21
  • Linda Harvey, Mission America
  • David Crowe, Restore America
  • Sandy Rios, Culture Campaign
  • Robert Peters, Morality in Media
  • C. Preston Noell III, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
  • Dave Bydalek, Family First
  • Richard Ford, Heritage Alliance
  • Peter LaBarbera, Americans for Truth
  • Tim Echols, Teenpact Leadership
  • Gary Palmer, Alabama Policy Institute
  • Bryan Fischer, Idaho Values Alliance
  • Mary Anne Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois
  • James Dunlap, Citizens for Community Values of Indiana
  • Micah Clark, American Family Association of Indiana
  • Dr. Don Racheter, Iowa Wednesday Group
  • Dennis K. Baxley, Christian Coalition of Florida
  • Kent Ostrander, The Family Foundation (Kentucky)
  • Gene Mills, Louisiana Family Forum
  • Jason Stern, Louisiana Family Forum Action
  • Brian Camenker, MassResistance
  • Kris Mineau, Massachusetts Family Institute
  • Joseph Ureneck, The Fatherhood Coalition, Massachusetts
  • Gary Glenn, President, American Family Association of Michigan
  • Pastor Paul Blair, Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ
  • Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania
  • Fran Bevan, Pennsylvania Eagle Forum
  • Harry Levine, Victory NH
  • Carolee Adams, Eagle Forum of New Jersey
  • Marie E. Tasy, New Jersey Right to Life
  • Bill Brooks, North Carolina Family Policy Council Action
  • Bobbie Patray, Tennessee Eagle Forum
  • Beverly Roberts, Texas Concerned Women for America
  • Betty Anderson, Eagle Forum of Montgomery Co., Texas
  • Daniel J. Cassidy, Editor, Sunlit Uplands, South Carolina
  • Steve Milloy, JunkScience.com
  • Jim Sutherland, California
  • Lester J. Larsen, Colorado
  • Chris Dickson, Indiana
  • Don Feder, Feder Associates, Massachussetts
  • Doug Reaume, Michigan
  • Didi Lima, Nevada
  • Ed Holdgate, New Hampshire
  • Stephen M. De Luca, New Jersey
  • Candace deRussy, New York
  • John C. Armor, Esq., North Carolina
  • Ed Gehringer, North Carolina
  • Jerry Stevens, South Carolina
  • Janet M. LaRue, Esq., Jan LaRue Consulting, Texas
  • Donna Garner, Texas
  • Larry Cirgnano, Virginia
  • Kenneth D. Whitehead, former Assistant Secretary of Education, Virginia
  • Jeffrey Lord, author, The Borking Rebellion
  • Mark I. Sutherland, author, Judicial Tyranny
  • Martha Zoller, "The Martha Zoller Show", Georgia News Network
  • Janet Parshall, Nationally Syndicated Talk show Host



  1. I see you didn't highlight Grover Norquist. He's the one who coined the phrase "I'd like to shrink government down to a size where it is small enough to drown in a bathtub."

    He's an anti-government, anti-tax, anti-rights asshole.
