Sunday, June 28, 2009

And Speaking on a JEM Movie...Here is my Pizzazz

I would love to cast Lady GaGa as Pizzazz.

Her style and guile oozes Phyllis Gabor. To me, she would be perfect for the role.


  1. Oh my god! In total agreement! Oh my god! lol.
    At first I was thinking "Pink" as Pizzazz...However, Lady Gaga (LOVE HER)not only has the style but the attitude as well.

    Furthermore, if there is a movie it should take place in the 1980's. That is the ONLY way is could work. That was the era of the Rock gods and goddesses.

  2. I love me some Lady Gaga too, that's why I'd have a hard time with her being Pizzazz...just cause I don't like the Misfits. And if Gaga is Pizazz then I'd have to buy that dang CD!!LOL!

    But how would you cast the rest of them? I'm curious!! Who would be Rio!? (That two-timin' swine!!)

  3. Oooh can't wait!!! :)

  4. Are you kidding?? Pizzazz??? Anyone who knows anything about Jem or Lady Gaga would cast her as Minx of The Stingers. They look exactly alike AND minx plays the keyboard!!!!!!
