Monday, May 11, 2009

Question of the Day

It happens to the best of us. We all go through it in some form or fashion. So I want to know...How do you deal with jealousy?


  1. I turn into a Joan Crawfordesque shrew vamp.

  2. I just accept that I have a lot which makes others jealous?


  3. I force myself to be happy. Me, single and looking, had a friend ask me this question:

    "This guy, he's tall and really really handsome with a great body and a really big... heart just told me he really likes me. What should I do?"

    I could have gone into a jealous rage but I said "If you like him, go after it and ride it all the way to the finish line for me!"

  4. I don't. HAHAHA. I simmer and stew, LOL.

  5. Was this question inspired by thegayte-keeper's post...?

    Personally, I walk away, even if it means cutting my nose off to spite my face.

  6. I just allow myself to be jealous for the moment and then move on. What else can you do but go out and get your own (e.g. boyfriend, car, house, job, and etc)?
