Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NY Assembly approved Gay Marriage Bill

The New York State Assembly approved a bill that could possibly make gay marriage real.

Daniel O'Donnell was the strong pusher of this bill and the next stop...Senate. Though the are some haters and detours, the bill has a very good chance of passing. Let's just hope they get the votes they need to make it all the way.

Plus, it's New York...Why wouldn't marriage equality be there?



  1. I tagged you on my blog for a meme. Hope you do it but don't feel obligated! :-)

  2. Plus, it's New York...Why wouldn't marriage equality be there?Have you seen the videos I've been posting of the debate, what some people were saying?

    One would think some of these lawmakers, having seen what's taken place elsewhere would avoid going down that same path but nope....

  3. Hey, that's Rosie O'Donnell's little brother. Good for him and my homepeople back in NY.
