Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jay Severin is an Asshole

You knew it was coming. As soon as the Swine flu drama picked up speed, racist remarks was not far behind.

Jay Severin, conservative talk show, lost his frakking mind talking about the Swine flu and Mexicans.

See here

Here's some of the mess he spats:
"When we are the magnet for primitives around the world - and it's not the primitives' fault by the way, I'm not blaming them for being primitives - I'm merely observing they're primitive."

"It's millions of leeches from a primitive country come here to leech off you and, with it, they are ruining the schools, the hospitals, and a lot of life in America."

"We should be, if anything, surprised that Mexico has not visited upon us poxes of more various and serious types already, considering the number of criminaliens already here."

I encourage folks to take him down...How dare he say anything like this.



  1. Truly, he is, the devil's pawn. I fear laying hands on him would lead to a horrible infection.

  2. Mexicans are the new attack victim. With gay equality happening all around, the wingnuts need a new target, because, otherwise, they'd have nothing to say.
