Thursday, May 7, 2009

Heather Mac Donald is full of Crap!

Lord, I've heard it all today! Now gay marriage will destroy the Black family! This is no joke, though it should be.

Read this mess:
One overpowering cause of black social failure is the breakdown of marriage in the black community. Nationally, the black illegitimacy rate is 71%; in some inner city areas, it is closer to 90%. When boys grow up without any expectation that they will have to marry the mother of their children, they fail to learn the most basic lesson of personal responsibility. A community without the marriage norm is teetering on the edge of civilizational collapse, if it has not already fallen into the abyss. Fatherless black boys, who themselves experience no pressure to become marriageable mates as they grow up, end up joining gangs, dropping out of school, and embracing a “street” lifestyle in the absence of any male authority in the home.

If the black illegitimacy rate were not nearly three times the rate of whites’, I would have few qualms about gay marriage. Or if someone can guarantee that widespread gay marriage would not further erode the expectation among blacks that marriage is the proper context for raising children, I would also not worry. But no one can make that guarantee.

Why might it further depress the black marriage rate? There is a logical reason and a visceral reason. First, it sends the signal that marriage is simply about numbers: it is an institution that binds two (for the moment) people who are in love. It erases completely the significance that marriage is THE context in which the children of biological parents should be raised. And there are undoubtedly many other subtle meanings and effects of gay marriage that we cannot even imagine at the moment—which institutional shift is something that conservatives should be most attuned to.

As for the visceral reason: It is no secret that resistance to homosexuality is highest among the black population (though probably other ethnic minorities are close contenders). I fear that it will be harder than usual to persuade black men of the obligation to marry the mother of their children if the inevitable media saturation coverage associates marriage with homosexuals. Is the availability of homosexual marriage a valid reason to shun the institution? No, but that doesn’t make the reaction any less likely.

What are the chances that gay marriage would further doom marriage among blacks? I don’t know. Again, if someone can persuade me that the chances are zero, then I would be much more sanguine. But anything more than zero, I am reluctant to risk.

Poppycock, Heather!

So gay marriage will pull the young black male away from his people? This is stupid and insulting. Sweetie, there are other things hurting the Black community, gay marriage isn't one of them.

Lack of education, streetlife, thug and pump mentalities, and poor self-awareness are real factors. Focus your broke ass research on that.



  1. I'm glad you saw this article. It got me all hot and flustered too. This is probably one the more extreme example of scapegoating that I have come across.

  2. Man, she's an idiot! I love her assumption that we all agree that marriage is "THE context in which the children of bilogogical parents should be raised!"
    She sure doesn't give black men credit for having much sense, does she? What a bitch!

  3. Her argument lacks substance as well as logic.

  4. You missed one cause of the harm to the black community.

    Racism. Until I met my SO of 16 years I had always had the impression that racism was a thing of the past. I learned how wrong I was when I saw him treated differently because he's black.

    The whole racism thing pisses me off like you wouldn't believe. Maybe it's because I know that the difference between black skin and 'white' skin is nothing but a couple base pairs in the genetic code.

    Sort of how my look (Very Italian looking) is a few base pairs that are prevalent in the Mediterranean region.

    Those mutations conferred certain benefits be they UV resistance, or any other beneficial trait.

  5. She is something else.
    Why is it that idiots are constantly being given a forum in which to spew their hatred?
    It really is enough.

    Next we'll learn that gay marriage is the cause of global warming because we're all so hot.


  6. And once again the poor victimized black boys have no choice but to grow up and enthusiastically embrace the worst stereotypes. They have no choice in the matter, you know.

    Undoubtedly she said all this with a straight face...
