Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Doug Fox Resigns after Sending the Racist Watermelon E-mail

Doug Fox, an idiot official, sent the infamous email with watermelons all over the White House lawn with the phrase "There goes the neighborhood..."

Once the Gov. Beverly Perdue got a hold of this mess she demanded his resignation.

"I have accepted Doug Fox's letter of resignation. E-mails and images of this nature are offensive and unacceptable," Perdue said in a statement.

Fox wanted to stay on until his successor was chosen, but Perdue wasn't hearing it. Doug's resignation was immediate.

This was the same e-mail that Dean Grose sent earlier in the year. He too, should be in hot water as well.

I hope this was a lesson learned, Doug.


1 comment:

  1. Took him long enough.
    He should'a gone a long time ago.
