Saturday, May 16, 2009

Class of 1992

Wow! I haven't seen this in years. I lost my senior yearbook and I wish I knew how to get another one. Anywho...These are some of my classmates in high school.

There's me and my best friend, Davida, followed by my best friend/crush Brandon at the end.

Stephanie was the rebel, Darren was cute and Chris, I think he came out years later.

Those were interesting times back then. Although I was closeted, lonely and stuck in a small town, I knew the best days were coming.

And by the power of Greyskull, I was right!


  1. Dude, what happened to your flat top???

  2. It was curly and it styled like a crown. So gay, but that's me.

  3. Ah the 90's. Having graduated in 1982 I was 10 years aheah with long dirty blond wavy/curly hair. The good old days. Now it's just short.

  4. Check that out. I am so loving your name! Brandon, yup a cutie. With that said, I would have followed Keith around campus. I bet he had a sexy laugh and cute swagger. And, I know Davida was a kiki. Stephanie is so giving me a NYC vibe. She better had done it!

  5. ain't you just cute in that pic...

  6. Too cute...But boo that flat top was not workin! LOL
    Luv ya but...WTF??? LMAO!

    I love old photos. haha!
