Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Retired Military Freaks ask Obama to Keep DADT

Who told them to speak? The retired military fools are hoping President Obama do not repeal DADT.

Their reasons are silly of course, thinking it "would undermine recruiting and retention, impact leadership at all levels, have adverse effects on the willingness of parents who lend their sons and daughters to military service, and eventually break the All-Volunteer Force."
You dummies, we can barely get anyone to sign up, y'all need to take what you can get!

Impact Leadership? A good leader should know how to lead a group! If you have different types of people, you work on their strengths and weaknesses, and help them build their skills. I don't know, maybe I'm relying on my past Hall Director skills, but this should not be a huge issue.

And what is this "willingness of the parents"? Child cheese, a good chunk of the military folks may have a parent or a legal guardian. Also, these kids sign up for the military to either pay for school, have a job or to stay out of trouble. So sometimes 'the parents' have nothing to do with the recruitment.

But enough of my ramblings, please read this letter these fools sent to President Obama.

Flag & General Officers for the Military
1615 L Street, NW, Suite 650
Washington, D.C. 20036

President Barack H. Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

March 30, 2009

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing to present to you a statement signed personally by more than
1,000 retired Flag and General Officers, representing all branches of the United States
Armed Forces.

Among us are a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, several service
chiefs, a number of combatant command, theater, and other major U.S. and allied force
commanders, together with a Medal of Honor recipient and hundreds of retired flag and
general officers who have led the men and women of our armed services at every
echelon, in both peace and war, past and present.

The statement expresses our strong support for the law that Congress passed in
1993, Section 654, Title 10, U.S.C., which affirms the principle that homosexuality is
incompatible with military service. The law passed with bipartisan, veto-proof
majorities in both houses, and federal courts have upheld it as constitutional several

We believe firmly that this law, which Congress passed to protect good order,
discipline, and morale in the unique environment of the armed forces, deserves
continued support.

Legislation (H. R. 1283) has been introduced in the 111th Congress to repeal the
1993 law. Our experience as military leaders leads us to have great concern about the
impact that repeal of Section 654, Title 10 would have on morale, discipline, unit
cohesion, and overall military readiness. We believe that imposing this burden on our
men and women in uniform would undermine recruiting and retention, impact
leadership at all levels, have adverse effects on the willingness of parents who lend their
sons and daughters to military service, and eventually break the All-Volunteer Force.

Carl E. Mundy, Jr.
General, U. S. Marine Corps (Ret.)

Carl W. Stiner
General. U. S. Army (Ret.)

As a matter of national security, we urge you to support the 1993 law regarding
homosexuals in the military, and to oppose any legislative, judicial, or administrative
effort to repeal or invalidate the law.

Very respectfully,

Charles A. Horner
General, U. S. Air Force (Ret.)

Leighton W. Smith
Admiral, U. S. Navy (Ret.)

James J. Lindsay
General, U. S. Army (Ret.)

Jerome L. Johnson
Admiral, U. S. Navy (Ret.)

E. G. Shuler, Jr.
Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)

Statement to the President of the United States
Undersigned Signatures

CC: National Security Advisor
White House General Counsel
Secretary of Defense


  1. Ignore them Mr. President. They don't count.
    The LGBT soldiers that are forced to hide what they are DO.

  2. Old soldiers never die, they just try to keep the staus quo.

    It's sad, really.

  3. Did you hear Clifford Alexander, former Sec. of the Army, on Rachel's show tonight (Thursday)? He said there was nothing to "review" about DADT because it needs to be abolished. You can probably find it on YouTube or MSNBC if you missed it.
