Fed up with the Log Cabin Repubs, a few folks left the flawed group to form another one...GOProud!
Why? Because the Log Cabin Repubs are too liberal. Really? That's news to me.
Here more from the Blade:
The new organization is slated to represent “gay conservatives and their allies,” according to the media advisory. As a 527 group, GOProud is a nonprofit that will work to educate people on public policy issues or the merits of candidates running for political office. Jimmy LaSalvia, a former Log Cabin policy director, will be GOProud's executive director, while Chris Barron, a former Log Cabin political director, will serve as the board chair. Bruce Carroll, a blogger at GayPatriot.net, will serve as a director and a board member, LaSalvia said.
GOProud will be different from Log Cabin, LaSalvia said, in that the new group will focus entirely on federal issues and elections. "Gay Republicans don't have a strong voice in Washington on federal issues and that's where the void is,” he said. “There hasn’t been a voice for … gay conservatives for the last five months, really, in Washington. And so as that time has lapsed, that was when we made the assessment and determined the need for an organization in Washington and put the pieces in place to make that happen.”
LaSalvia also said there will be policy differences between Log Cabin and GOProud, with the new group planning to weigh in more on economic issues before Congress, such as how tax policy affects gay Americans.
“It’ll certainly be done from a gay perspective, but we will work on issues beyond hate crimes, [the Employment Non-Discrimination Act] and some of the other standard gay rights legislation,” he said.
LaSalvia said GOProud will work to combat Congress and the Obama administration’s push for higher taxes. The group also will advocate for the repeal of the estate tax, which he said hits “our families at higher proportion” than other American families.
Interesting, right? We will see how this version of the Log Cabin Repubs last. Perhaps they will remember that they are gay and our issues are theirs as well.
hell if they know...