Monday, April 13, 2009

Going to It's not what you think...

As y'all know National Organization for Marriage was trying to take center stage. They have radio spots, ads and that God-awful commercial.

And the planned to launch a site called 2M4M to promote their malarkey. See here

Well, they were a day late and dollar short...someone else stole the name from them. And guess what...they are on our side.

Here's their intro:

It's surprising how quickly things can get started. Just this morning I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend and then the news hit about the 2M4M campaign that opponents of marriage rights were mounting. As many were scratching their heads at the choice of name, it occured to me that the obvious Internet presence, was sitting unused.

Well, it is unused no longer. Welcome to, or Two Men For Marriage. This site will present the facts about marriage equality as a counter to the fear, uncertainty and doubt being sown by the opponents of equal rights.

And the quiet weekend will be spent standing the site up as quickly as possible. Your help is solicited and appreciated. Feel free to contact us at with anything you can offer. Writing, graphics, or research, anything helps!

I bet NOM is furious!

Thanks to JMG for posting

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