Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Arizona State University...Omega Fail!!!

ASU...what's really happening to you? This university is a complete joke and shame among other universities in the nation...actually abroad as well. There are a few colleges overseas that are discussing this issue in their classes and seminars.

Last weekend, I told y'all about the mess ASU caused with not awarding President Obama with an honorary degree. After putting their foot in their mouths 56 times, they decided to rename a scholarship after him.

But the new drama came afterwards. In trying to explain their reasoning, ASU's president, Michael Crow cited a policy claiming that the university do not give honorary degrees to sitting politicians.

Crow stated:

"Since my appointment, we have not awarded honorary degrees to sitting politicians, a practice based on the very practical realities of operating a public university in our political environment"

But guess what? He was wrong! They have given an honorary degree to one sitting politician, Robert Stump, an Arizona Repub Congressman. Then, after that half-truth was exposed the university revealed that the policy was only "verbal" and never documented.

There's nothing written in stone about this "policy", no documentation, no anything.

I'm sorry, but who's running things over there? Fraggles? These mistakes are amateurish and careless. Crow should have somebody to research these types of issues...wait, he shouldn't have said anything until everything was thought through. So tacky.

Today, a ASU spokesperson just gave up and said, "we blew it!" And yes they did. Folks are still flooding Crow's emails, denouncing their support, giving back their degrees, withholding donations until Crow resigns and sending Obama their diplomas.

It's weird to see ASU fall out like this. I used to work there and I knew it was a "special" place, but this mess just confirms how right I was. ASU needs new management and a new direction.



  1. Again, at the heart of the matter, it's still backlash because President Obama beat John McCain...the only other explanation is racism. Perhaps it's both.

  2. "we blew it" Now why could you not have started at that point. Where did it become a national crime to make a mistake??

  3. Seems that while ASU wants to be treated like a national player, they are in now way ready to be one. Crow needs to get a hold on his staff and make sure everyone is on the same page.
