Please read this mess.
March 27, 2009
Dear Friend,
The Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) released a new statewide survey yesterday showing that Californians continue to oppose homosexual marriage. The survey found that 45% of voters support legalizing same-sex marriage, while 49% are opposed. This is a significant finding, coming as it does after our opponents spent $43 million opposing traditional marriage, and the state’s mainstream media supported those efforts with formal opposition to Proposition 8. The PPIC survey also completely undercuts the idea that same-sex marriage is inevitable and will ultimately be adopted in California. If anything, support seems to be eroding. ProtectMarriage.com is gratified that Californians continue to respond to our call for the preservation of traditional marriage.
New Ballot Initiatives Cleared for Signature Gathering But It’s Unlikely They Will Be Seriously Pursued
Two new ballot initiatives have been cleared for signature gathering by the Attorney General. One would eliminate all marriages in California, re-defining them as Domestic Partnerships. The other measure would legalize homosexual marriage and attempt to trick voters into believing that our public schools will not address alternative marriage, or that religious liberties won’t be weakened by the existence of gay marriage.The “Domestic Partnership” initiative was authored by two college students, with no apparent support then or now. Despite the many news articles written about this new measure, it is highly unlikely that it will ever make the ballot. The homosexual lobby has spoken out against the proposal, and obviously the majority of Californians will not react well to eliminating the institution of marriage in our state. We expect this measure to quickly fade away.
The second initiative is of more concern because its language attempts to confuse voters into thinking there are no natural consequences of same-sex marriage. The measure says that it will not change California’s curriculum regarding teaching of same-sex marriage. However, that is a false promise because the statutes are already in place to teach children about gay marriage if it is legalized, just as it is taught to young children in Massachusetts. You’ll recall that during the period when homosexual marriage was legalized in California, a public school in San Francisco took a class of first graders to a lesbian wedding, calling it a “teachable moment.”
The initiative also gratuitously says that it will not force ministers to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies if it conflicts with their faith. There is no doubt that lawsuits would be filed in short order against clergy, but the more immediate issue is how legalized homosexual marriage will negatively affect religious liberties and freedom outside the pulpit. We will monitor this initiative but at present there does not appear to be significant support building for it.
Gay Activists Prepare for Next Battle, as Does ProtectMarriage.com
Equality California – one of the formidable proponents of gay marriage – has moved to beef up their staff for the next battle, whenever that may be. They have hired the man who twice defeated efforts in Massachusetts to overturn that state’s legalization of same-sex marriage. They have also brought on a top organizer with specific responsibility for reaching out to communities of color in California. Our opponents are preparing for the next battle, and so must we.With the Supreme Court hearing behind us, ProtectMarriage.com has now turned its attention to planning for the future. We are developing outreach programs to a number of key constituencies – including churches and ethnic communities. You will be hearing more about those plans in coming weeks.
Whether or not the two current ballot initiatives have any chance to overturn Prop 8, they serve as an important reminder that our victory in passing Prop 8 will constantly be challenged. As a diverse coalition we commit to continue to work hard to protect our victory, and uphold traditional marriage. We look forward to your continuing support.
Thank you for your continued support of traditional marriage.
Ron Prentice
ProtectMarriage.com – Yes on 8No, thank you for being a hater and fool...and for giving me a boost of anger for the day.
These groups are desperate. If you follow my blog you can see my email exchange with Catholic priest and advisory member to NOM John Codega. Fun, fun, fun!