Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Southern Brothers are unaware of Risky Behaviors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to break my heart with this news.

Young black gay and bisexual men from the South are infected with HIV at staggering and high numbers.

In a small survey, we learn more than half of the 29 gay or bisexual men surveyed have had unprotected anal sex in the year before they were infected. The sad part is they thought they would never be infected.

The health officials are scrambling to find the risk factors to develop education and intervention programs.

Here are the deeper details:

The agencies surveyed 29 black men ages 17 to 25 who had tested positive for H.I.V. between 2006 and 2008 and who reported having sex with other men. Twenty reported having unprotected anal intercourse with a man during the year before their positive H.I.V. tests, and 16 reported having male sex partners who were 26 or older.

Having older sex partners increases the risk of infection because older men are more likely than younger men to be infected.

Only three of the 29 men thought it likely they would acquire H.I.V. during their lifetime. More than half thought it unlikely or very unlikely, the survey found.

Health officials were particularly concerned about the lack of routine H.I.V. testing in this group of young men. Six of the men had not had a single H.I.V. test in the two years prior to testing positive, and five had had only one test in the two years before the positive result, the survey found.

“These men may have taken what they believed were reasonable steps to reduce their risk, but unfortunately the rates of H.I.V. infection are so high in this population that sometimes people have partners who are H.I.V. positive and do not know it,” said Richard Wolitski, director of the C.D.C.’s division of H.I.V./AIDS Prevention.

Brothers please wrap it up and get tested. Also start loving yourselves...please.


  1. I wish people would learn to wear protection. This is what happens when the truth is withheld from teenagers about sex. We all know it only takes one time to become infected when one does not protect one's self. This is sad.

  2. what more needs to be done for them to protect themselves?
