Monday, January 26, 2009

Now, they want to Get To Know Us

I learning from Joe.My.God, KABC will air the Gay ad they dissed last week.

This past Friday, GLAAD & the GetToKnowUsFirst group met with the station to talk about the ad. After the meeting, KABC agreed to air the ad in primetime starting last night.

GLAAD's prez Neil Giuliano said:
“We are pleased that KABC was willing to meet and discuss this serious issue with us so quickly and that this important message about our families will be seen by KABC’s audiences in the days and weeks to come.”

This is a good move and maybe we can see more of these ads in the future

More about the change of heart is here


  1. I would have like to have seen the ad run on TV. I have KABC on DirecTV; it's on channel 387, but some dumb, soon to be obsolete law prevents me from watching.

    I think it's obsolete...with that switchover soon to happen, no more Kxxx or Wxxx anymore.

    I'm off topic.

    So did you see it?
