Saturday, December 20, 2008

Repeal Prop 8? Did I hear that right?

Here's some interesting news on Saturday morning, gang. The California Attorney General Jerry Brown is urging the state Supreme Court to repeal Prop H8.

Jerry also filed a legal brief saying the measure that amended the state constitution to make marriage for straights only is unconstitutional because it blocks out a minority group (us) of a fundamental right.

Interesting switchorooie for Brown, who earlier in this game said he would defend Prop 8 against any legal challenges. But after deeper probing in the laws and constitution, Brown was to say the least, enlightened.

He said: "It became evident that the Article 1 provision guaranteeing basic liberty, which includes the right to marry, took precedence over the initiative. Based on my duty to defend the law and the entire Constitution, I concluded the court should protect the right to marry even in the face of the 52 percent vote."

This is a major move. I'm sure that the supporters of Prop H8 are pissed, but that's a good thing.


  1. Great news, thanks for sharing brother

  2. yjis is such a hard topic to deal with for politictians
