Monday, December 8, 2008

John Thain is Such a Scrooge

Merrill Lynch & Co. chief John Thain believes that he should get a bonus for basically doing his goddamn job. This cuckoo wants 10 million dollars for averting a deeper fallout for the Merrill Lynch firm.

John, sweetie, you are suppose to do that. If you are in a leadership position, you are suppose to be a leader. Steer your group out of trouble, keep business booming, and stay on top. Does Cyclops or Storm ask for a bonus to keep the X-Men alive? No. Will Obama demand a bonus to keep America safe? Hell no.

So what makes this fool any better than anyone else?

It’s like he’s blind to the fact that our country is struggling. Families are scraping to make the holidays happen, people are losing their homes, and this bastard wants $10 mill for doing his job. Bitch please, then give me $100, 000 for doing my job.

John Thain, I hope the compensation committee refuse your request and give you a lump of coal instead.

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