Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why I think McCrack Lost

Obama won, we know this; but I want to share my reasons why McCrack lost. I felt there were too many factors that led him astray from his principles and on a one way track Loseville.

So here we go

  • Uninformed and useless spokespeople: McCain had the worst team working for him. A chunk of them were young, cocky, and fresh from their poly-sci classes with barely any experience. Tucker Bounds was one of the leaders of the poo-putt brigade. Every time you saw him on the tube, you just felt sorry for him. He never knew how to hold his ground and always looked like a deer in headlights. Others, like Michael Goldfarb continued to show us how unprepared the McCain's camp was.
  • Bush + 90% of the time drama = defeat. He should have worked on distancing himself far, far, far away from Bush from the gate.
  • Palin: choosing her was the worst gimmick in history. She unglued any credibility he had as a country first type of guy. She was an unknown and a complete stranger to the world. How could we trust someone that barely existed in the eyes of America? And then she brought drama. Her husband and his anti-American group, her daughter becoming a baby's mama, troopergate, Bridge to Nowhere, lack of knowledge, 6 figure wardrobe, and silly ass statements. Hell, for a second I thought I was watching Erica Kane instead of Moose Mess.
  • Attack mode: McCain's circus targeted some the silliest issues like Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Obama's non-existent drug past. Their attack ads did nothing but...attack; they couldn't tell you anything about their policies or ways to help the country. And when their attack ads and goose chases squandered most of their money, they had nothing left.
  • Joe the Plumber: McCain put this man in the limelight because he believed Joe was America's Man. And he is, just not the ideal man. Joe represented the working person, but he also represented the uneducated, unaware person that we don't want to be. This fool didn't realize the power of the media or the power of self-awareness. If he did, he wouldn't talk about Obama's tax cuts (which helps him)or Iran without proper knowledge of the two. He basically came off like an idiot every time he spoke.
  • Economy: McCain knows nothing about the economy and chose a VP candidate who also knows nothing about the economy. So those two wrongs didn't win over voters at all.
  • Suspending the campaign: Hoping to be a 'leader' in our economy crisis, McCain suspended his campaign. But backfired, his gesture acted as a stunt and his party pushed back the process causing a deeper fallout in our system. Also he gave Obama the perfect weapon; he was able to use the 'leader' stance against him, saying that a leader has to be able to multi task and delegate.
  • Palin's base: Palin proved she could energize a base, but that base was the scary, icky part of our society. McCain wanted a new batch of Repubs, not the same savages from Bush's lot. Moose Mess brought a flock of fleas to the dog pound, which made it hard for McCain shake off. That group only showcased the ugly side of America. Their tone and demeanor was a wake-up call to us, telling the rest of country that we have move on and away from that mess.
  • Media: They didn't have anything good to say, so they kept on saying it.
McCain should have did it his way, not his campaign's. His campaign was cause of his demise, but it was also McCain's fault for not stopping them. They practically ruin this good man and possibly soiled everything he worked for.

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