Saturday, November 8, 2008

What was your Favorite Moment in the Election?

I would like to know y'all' s favorite momenst in the campaign trail. I know some of y'all had a few. Share them.


  1. Seeing Obama win was Nirvana. Aside from that Palin provided me with constant crack up moments. She is just bizarre.

  2. You know, there were moments during the election that inspired me all to heck.

    There were also moments that pissed me the fuck off.

    However, my favorite has GOT to be those Sarah Palin interview clips with Katie Couric... The only time during the election I laughed my ASS OFF!

  3. I think when Sarah Palin was chosen to be the veep, hilarity ensued and that pretty much put Obama in the white house more than anything else.

    I can see Russia from my backyard. Precious.

  4. My favorite moment was when they announced that Barrack Obama was the President-Elect! Wow!! we did it!!
